Your Heart…

“The Lord says, ‘I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” Psalm 32:8

This is the best pathway for my life. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here. You advise me and watch over me and that’s why I’m here in this place, this situation, these circumstances, right now. It’s not a mistake. I’m not a bad person for not being able to make my life look perfect. I did the best I knew how and I have tried to follow You with all my heart. This is where I need to be, and I need to trust You with my present, my past, and my future. Lately, I’ve been reminded of a prophecy made over me many, many years ago, at a time in my life when I was desperately looking for direction and affirmation of Your will. I was simply told to not strive. I was to envision my life riding in a train car with Christ in the engine room, taking me where I needed to be.

Lord, I have such a hard time just allowing life to happen the way it does. It’s so scary to let go of trying to make things work out the way I think they need to be. I know from reading scripture that people’s lives are never tied up in neat, little, predictable packages. I have wanted it so desperately and I can see now that it’s not reality for me or anyone else. My deepest desire is to make sure I live the way You want me to, and I keep searching for the blueprints of how to have the perfect life. But they don’t exist, because each of us is a work in progress, a unique masterpiece in the palms of Your hands. The blueprint doesn’t exist because You are the Creator, and You create out of nothing. You create as You go along and You use whatever You need to form us into a creation of beauty. All we need to do is let You do Your work. Even when it hurts. Even when we can’t see anything beautiful in what’s happening to or around us.

I must stay in the car and observe all the wondrous examples of Your power at work. Marvel at and praise the glimmers of hope and joy and peace, that remind me You have not abandoned me for a single moment. I can wait patiently for You to reveal all that You have in Your heart for me. I can know that for everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) I can trust that as I persevere in doing what is good each day, I will be blessed at just the right time. You desire to be our Sun and Shield at all times. You promise to give us the grace and glory to do what is needed, one day at a time. You will not withhold all that we need to live according to what is true and honorable, what is pure and lovely, what is right and admirable, whatever is excellent and admirable.

The truth is that I am not the best judge of what those things are because I am human. As I stop striving and observe all You want to show me, I will learn how to see those things from Your perspective. I will be able to rest in assurance as I travel along the best pathway before me.

Thank you, Lord.

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